Rules are meant to be broken

How big is your rule book? Are you even aware you have one?

Rules about work, relationships, money, where you live. Our rules are set very early on in life, influenced by our parents, schools, church, friendships, and by fear of what's expected, what's considered 'normal' or acceptable. Rules limit us. To recognise our rules, let alone change them can seem extremely challenging, perhaps impossible, until we try.

I can't sing, I could never run my own business, I'm a team player not a leader, I'll never meet anyone who accepts me, I can't do that I'm not brave enough, I can't change I've been doing this for too long.

Rules, and limits, on your life.

One of my clients said she would like to rewrite her rule book, so I challenged her to do just that. With a blank piece of paper in front of you, what would you choose in life, who would you choose to spend time with, how would work be structured in your life, what would you 'subscribe' to, what would you create?

Your get to choose, to create, and ultimately lead it. Are you up for the challenge?

Explore, Dream, Act


Somewhere between the Dark Side and Yoda


Zombies, chimps and headmistresses