A secret admirer....
Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash (I like the photo - seemed like a good idea!)
I was sent a book in the post this week, stamped in Frankfurt, no idea who sent it. It's a book called 'Footprints on the Moon' by Seth Godin. It turns out this book isn't available to buy, only to share.
I am a big Seth Godin fan, simple messages delivered with a punch, a great writer and blogger who is followed by thousands. Seth Godin is all about action, releasing your ideas today, not tomorrow, or after you have finished another course, or when you gather feedback from friends who agree it's a good idea.....now. Sounds so simple on paper, and yet we make this really difficult for ourselves, put lots of blocks in our way and 'what ifs'.
So he sets a challenge in the book, which I am starting today -
Get a stack of blank postcards, address them to yourself.
Four times a day, fill a postcard with an idea, a message to yourself from today to tomorrow. And then post it.
A few days later, handwritten ideas from your past yourself will begin to arrive.
Each day, when you get home from work, you'll get three or four (or even five) ideas worth reading. Your job is to take that idea and write it up, expand it, put it on your computer.
Do this for five weeks, for 35 days, for 140 cards. Do it without hesitation, with no regard for whether its perfect or not. We are all changemakers, and it requires action.
I am starting today. And yes my initial thoughts were - I have no ideas and then I remembered I had some good ones yesterday and didn't write them down or do anything with them; I don't have any postcards, not true I have a bunch of random ones bought on holidays and never sent to the in-laws! So the first postcard will be from the Isle of Skye, sent to myself, I expect arriving on Saturday (I only have second class stamps in my wallet!).
It is time to release your ideas, however big, however random they may seem.....it is as simple as footprints.....Join me in the challenge, you never know you might receive the book!