The importance of being selfish
It’s distasteful, something we’re taught not to be. Embrace some selfish, putting your self first, and you will reach your greatest potential.
Selfish is seeing yourself as an investment, like an ISA, which you want to grow. Much more rewarding, one which keeps on giving to you and others.
A client said she had thought having a coach was self-indulgent. She’s right, it is. Time for you, to talk about what’s important, to be seen for who your really are, to think about the future, to plan and brainstorm. The same client also went on to move overseas, start a new venture, raise significant investment for a new business. Self indulgent yes, reaching her potential, definitely!
Where do you want to put yourself first? Maybe it’s carving out time to do 30 days of yoga with Adriene, taking piano lessons, investing in a trainer, finding a mentor, joining the Akimbo Marketing Seminar, going to Tony Robbins. Simply because you want to do it for you is reason enough. Being selfish allows for creative ideas, space for reflection, time to look at how you want to make an impact. Do something to engage in the very selfish act of dreaming.
For many of us, investing in ourselves can also bring feelings of guilt, about cost, time, the business or what will the kids do? And yet being selfish opens you up to being more generous to others, fill your cup first so that you can be there for others. Choose to put yourself first in January, and every month this year.
There is a bit of quiet before the new year, why not consider joining me and the amazing Sam Pearce in our online workshop how to Set Goals To Successfully Thrive in 2020. Click here to reserve your space.
Sally Powell is a professional leadership coach, passionate about helping others reach their fullest potential.