How January can teach us a lot about our attitude to life

People are endlessly fascinating. I knew it aged four! How we approach the New Year can teach us a lot about ourselves and our attitude to life.

January is an opportunity for a reset. An opportunity to reassess, take a step back, dream, let go of what isn’t working and build on what is. It is not the time to beat yourself with a stick.

Here are some of the ways my clients approach the New Year:

I choose a quote which inspires me, and I use it to help me focus on what’s important.

I have a word for the year, all goals stem from it. This year it’s Spontaneous, last year was too much about control.

I use the wheel of life as a guide, and set 2 or 3 specific goals in each area (Find it here.)

My wife and I sit down together and write our shared aims, based on our values. I do mine on a walk, the fresh air helps.

What do they all have in common?


And permission to take some time for yourself.

Remember goals give us a roadmap to follow. The How will not always be clear when you set them. Trust that the details, the people, the resources will unfold. It starts with acknowledging what you want to create.

I take January to journal, talk with my coach, to listen to what my head and heart are saying. For me it doesn’t come in one sitting and it’s not always easy. I do believe that a life lived with intention is far more meaningful.

There is no one size fits all, take a moment to see what works for you. Give yourself the opportunity.

I’m Sally and I work with amazing leaders who are intentional. Intentional about who they work with, what they want to create and how they show up in the world. People who are human. And yes it’s me in the photo!


Are your expectations still fit for purpose?


The Oak Inside The Acorn