Why I'm collaborating with a Stanford Professor
I believe in magic, I believe in gut feel and intuition. And I also believe in measurement.
If you want behavioural change to stick it requires tiny habits, consistently taken every day, with as little judgement as possible. Why do so many people continue to run after 'the couch to 5K'? It's because they have seen and felt progress, and they are inspired to continue.
So what's this got to do with Stanford? I have been curious for some time as to how technology can work with coaching. Apps like Calm and Headspace have changed how we think about meditation. Well what about our life, and work goals, what about our emotions? How do we train our brain to be more positive? How do we stop behaving poorly with the people we care about?
Then I heard about the work of Shirzad Chamine, New York Times Best Selling Author, and Stanford Lecturer who has a comprehensive 500K participant global research study called Positive Intelligence (PQ). The research shows that only 20% of people, and teams, achieve their true potential because of self-sabotage. Negativity literally hijacks us. And what blows me away is we have the ability to build stronger, more positive, muscles in our brain. Build new neural pathways which can be seen on an MRI scan.
So fast forward a year from reading his book, and now I am one of a number of pioneer coaches collaborating with Chamine to bring this life changing work to those I work with through an 8-week program. You don't have to take my word for it, here is what people have said:
"This has been a life-changing experience. I love the simplicity of the App, the engaging videos and Sally is a phenomenal coach. I feel more confident in my decision making, I had been stagnating for too long and didn’t realise quite how much until we started this work together".
"It's had a hugely positive impact, particularly in my management/leadership of others. The simplicity of PQ reps before a presentation or important meeting has done wonders for me. I genuinely have had some profound moments through this course, massively helped by Sally and her coaching".
For me.
I now can’t unsee this work. To know that some of my greatest strengths, such as my drive and determination can be over abused to the point where I self-sabotage my own potential has been jaw-dropping. I also see how my kids are showing signs of having saboteurs and being able to empathise and stay curious rather than get frustrated by their behaviour, I know will help me stay sane! We all sabotage our potential, how long are we going to let it happen for, that’s the question.
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